9 results found
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Wide product portfolio of baseband modems for TT&C, Earth Observation, ULS – Galileo, and unique Optical modems.

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Satellite Ground Stations

System Engineering, Ground Stations & Equipment, Test Solutions, Monitoring & Control solutions and Radar Systems.

Satellite Ground Stations
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SSPAs (Solid State Power Amplifiers)

Unique product line of high-power amplifiers based on GaN technology, from tens of Watts up to KWs, covering from very low frequency bands up to Q band

SSPAs (Solid State Power Amplifiers)
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Electronically Steered Antennas

Groundbreaking technology based on beam forming technologies capable of tracking multiple satellites simultaneously, optimising capital investment.

Electronically Steered Antennas
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LNAs (Low Noise Amplifiers)

A product line of Low Noise Amplifiers (LNAs) for Satcom reception and Earth observation, from S to Q band.

LNAs (Low Noise Amplifiers)
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Passive RF components

Different types of antenna feeders, probes, horns, polarisers, and Orthomode Transducers (OMTs), from UHF to millimetric frequency bands.

Passive RF components
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IoT (Internet of Things solutions)

IoT products for Industry 4.0, Agrifood, Smart Water and Smart Metering.

IoT (Internet of Things solutions)
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Cryogenic Systems

Ultra-low noise cryogenic receivers, a wide portfolio of cryogenic LNAs and “compact” cryo-LNA system using a zero-maintenance cryo-cooler.

Cryogenic Systems
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Satellite Test Systems

Electrical Ground Support Equipment (EGSE) are tools used by satellite and sub-system manufacturers and integrators to test and validate electrical functions of the satellite on the ground before launch.

Satellite Test Systems
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Celestia launches new group website & visual identity

The Celestia group has launched a new website and visual identity for its multi-technology solutions business in a move that continues raising market awareness of the group’s broad technological reach and track record in ground segment activities.

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