The First Vice-President of the Government of Spain, Nadia Calviño, visits TTI headquarters in Santander

Vice-President •TTI •Nadia Calviño Vice-President •TTI •Nadia Calviño

On Monday 19th June 2023, the First Vice-President of the Government and Minister of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation, Nadia Calviño, visited the TTI facilities in Santander, together with the Government Delegate Ainoa Quiñones, Member of Parliament for Cantabria Pedro Casares and Director of the Vice-President’s Cabinet, Andrés Valverde.

The visit took place on the afternoon of 19th June 2023 after the Vice-President attended the inauguration of a new university course at Menéndez Pelayo International University (UIMP) at the Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander.

During the Vice-President’s visit to TTI, a presentation of the company and its key projects was given, as well as a tour of the facilities including the clean room, the anechoic chamber, the radiofrequency and microwave laboratory, the mechanical workshop, the cryogenic and bonding areas and the production areas.

During the visit, issues such as the role of small and medium-sized enterprises in today’s technology ecosystem and the need to encourage young people to join the highly employable world of telecommunications were discussed.


Nadia Calviño said in her Tweet that “I am impressed by the talent and energy that I witnessed at TTI, a point of pride for our nation”

Nadia Calviño was received by Juan Becerro, Operations Director of the Celestia group, TTI’s parent company, Cristina Barquín Aróstegui, CEO of TTI and José María Agüero, Technical Director of the company.

TTI is a Cantabrian company with more than 25 years of experience specialising in the development and manufacture of advanced technology products in the world of telecommunications. It has a staff of 90 spread over two locations, the Santander centre being the main headquarters where the flagship products are developed.

TTI works in the satellite communications sector, in the design and development of on-board modules for the satellites themselves, as well as in portable communication terminals and high-power equipment for ground tracking stations. In addition, TTI has specific business lines that supply high-performance equipment to the scientific sectors of radio astronomy, quantum computing and particle accelerators.

In addition to the continuous research and development of new products, in recent years the company has increased the manufacturing capacity of its most successful products. The Santander facility is currently mass-producing low noise amplifiers for quantum computing and radio astronomy, very high power amplifiers for ground stations as well as antennas for portable satellite communication terminals with reduced size and weight and high transmission capacity.

TTI is also involved in the design and manufacture of on-board satellite transmitters in collaboration with the European Space Agency and major companies in the sector.